

Long Form Name: Muashemite Kingdom of Aksum
Short Form Name: Aksum
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Al-Jawf
Administrative Divisions: None
Independence: 1948 from Italy by the UK. 2011 Libya.
National Holiday: National Day; 11 November.

Birth: No. Citizenship granted to males only as an award for service to the King.
Sufferage: 21 years of age. Note: Only decreed citizens may vote.

Legal System
A mix of Ottoman, Anglo-Saxon and Sharia laws. 

Chief of State: King Mostafa Aziz
Head of Government: King Mostafa Aziz
Cabinet: Appointed by the King.

Legistlative: Unicameral Council of Majis. 64 seats; members elected by simple majority vote to 3-year terms. All laws passed by the Council must be reviewed for legality by the Royal Court, if approved it then goes to the King's cabinet for review and approval by the monarch. 

Judicial: Royal Courts; 13 judges given a lifetime appointment by the King. 
Subordinate Royal Courts, various local & tribal courts with judges elected for 5 year terms.

Political Parties: None.

National Anthem: The King's Anthem, adopted in 1948.

  • Royal Armed Forces of Aksum
    • Constabulary (approximately 600 constables.)
    • Royal Guard (approximately 6,500 troops.)
    • Royal Air Guard (approximately 800 troops.)
  • Military Service Obligation: Ages 18 - 30(65) for voluntary military service. Note the maximum age for enlistment is 30 years but once in service soldiers may serve until their 65th birthday.
  • Military Notes: Aksum has signed a treaty with Egypt to deter terrorist groups from operating in the Kingdom and from crossing their mutual border. 

The UK Parliament passed the Aksum Act of 1948 establishing the small Muashemite Kingdom of Aksum in southeast Italian Libya in recognition of the Muashemite tribe's service to Great Britain in both World Wars, particularly against the Italians in WW2. In 1969 Muammar Gaddafi orchestrated a coup and before the year was out had annexed the kingdom within the Libyan Arab Republic. 

With the Arab Spring of 2011 and the subsequent Libyan Civil War the Muashemite's rose up in rebellion and declared their chief the King of Aksum. The UK, Egypt, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados & Greece all recognized the kingdom as a sovereign state. 

Aksuman Constabulary Officer

Royal Guard Band Pipers